
冯兆生教授学术报告:Diffusional systems of infection process: analysis and simulation

发布时间:2023-01-03 浏览次数:15



地点:线上 (腾讯会议ID:458 229 584)

报告题目:Diffusional systems of infection process: analysis and simulation

报告摘要:  In this talk, we present some nonlinear systems to characterize the infection process of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in a heterogeneous environment. The well-posedness of the solution, the basic reproduction number, the global stability of uninfected steady state and the uniform persistence for the systems are discussed. Numerical simulations are performed to illustrate our theoretical results and reveal that diffusion, spatial heterogeneity and incidence types have evident impact on the SARS-CoV-2 infection。

报告人简介:冯兆生,美国德克萨斯大学Carlos and Stephanie Manrique de Lara讲席教授,主要研究方向是非线性分析,数值计算与模拟,数学物理问题,动力系统等,曾于2015和2021年两次获得德克萨斯大学年度杰出成就奖。现任国际知名学术期刊CNSNS的共同主编和EJDE的执行主编,和多个国际SCI杂志的编委及AIMS应用数学系列丛书的编委。

